Eleanor Rigbot

Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice

In the church where a wedding has been

Lives in a dream

Eleanor Rigby, by the Beatles (Lennon-McCartney, 1966).

The song Eleanor Rigby has a distinctive syllabic pattern and rhyming scheme, and it's fun to try and come up with additional verses. But what if we could find them automatically, instead?

Since the people behind Clitoris Vulgaris (@clitoscope), a Twitter bot designed to "generate new species of clitoris by projecting botanical illustrations onto a 3D model", gave a talk at work about how they built it, I've been interested in the idea of making a bot of my own. Creating something to look for tweets that could be a new verse seemed doable as a first attempt.


I'd initially looked at using NLTK to do the language processing; one corpus available for it, the Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary, seemed perfect for the project. However, I wasn't sure how to go about running an NLTK-based app on Cloud Foundry, as it needs to download the corpus once pip install-ed. Fortunately, someone else had already done the hard work for me and wrapped that single corpus in a library named pronouncing; using this made the bot trivial to deploy. This allows for both determining the syllables in the words used and whether two given words rhyme.

Using the Tweepy library made interacting with Twitter simple; I subclassed the existing StreamListener with my own RetweetListener, which takes an extractor (for extracting the text to process from a tweet) and a filterer (for filtering out tweets that should be retweeted). This keeps it very general for reuse later. Tweets are not exactly written in formal English and contain things like usernames, hashtags and URLs that can't necessarily be pronounced, so the current extractor takes the longest string of "clean characters" (the letters A-Z plus some basic punctuation characters, not including characters like @ and # with Twitter-specific meanings) from each tweet to pass to the filtering.


The actual classification happens in PhraseMatcher.__call__, and the overall process is pretty straightforward:

  1. Given a phrase string, e.g. 'here are some example words';
  2. Create a list of the individual words and their lengths in syllables, e.g. [('here', 1), ('are', 1), ('some', 1), ('example', 3), ('words', 1)]
  3. If any word couldn't be processed or the total syllable count doesn't match the pattern we're looking for, return False;
  4. Try to fit the words into the required syllable pattern, assuming that we want lines to break on words;
  5. If the phrase doesn't fit into the syllable pattern, return False; and
  6. Return whether or not the phrase matches the required rhyming scheme.

The scheme is defined with two sequences: one of the number of syllables in each line; and one of the required rhyming scheme. For example, the scheme to match a verse of Eleanor Rigby is:

ELEANOR_RIGBY = PhraseMatcher(
    syllable_pattern=(5, 4, 9, 4),
    rhyming_scheme=(None, None, 0, 0),

This means:

  • there should be four lines, with five, four, nine and four syllables respectively (for a total of 22); and
  • the third and fourth lines must rhyme (but we don't care whether or not the first two lines rhyme with anything).

This representation makes the bot configurable for different phrases, including the other example I give in the README (note that here the rhyme scheme is marked with letters - it gets converted to a dictionary mapping group ID to line indices, so anything hashable is fine):

# https://www.flickr.com/places/info/12591829
napoli = [13.8509, 40.5360, 14.6697, 41.0201]

# "when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie"
that_is_amore = PhraseMatcher((3, 3, 3, 3), (None, 'a', None, 'a'))

start_listening(napoli, that_is_amore)


The very first retweet is probably still the best so far:

It's kinda shitty when people say they care then act like they don't give two shits about you

Charley Emmett (@Ch4rl3y_B0y) April 6, 2017

which becomes:

It's kinda shitty, when people say

They care then act like they don't give two

Shits about you

Aside from an overly-strict definition of rhyming (some rhymes from the actual song, like "grave" and "saved", aren't considered valid), the classification seems to be working pretty effectively. The extraction is not as good; it doesn't necessarily find the real content of the status correctly. For example, one of the weakest matches so far is:

Away to @NewportSarries tomorrow

End of the season is in sight

And it's going to be a glorious day 🌞just what you want as a front row

Malpas RFC (@MalpasRugbyClub) April 7, 2017

This is being classified as:

Tomorrow end of, the season is

In sight and it's going to be a

Glorious day

Most of the content of the tweet is being discarded, so it's not obvious from reading it where the verse is.

Next steps

A few improvements I've thought of:

  1. To make it more obvious what the matched "verse" is, I could switch from retweeting to quoting, so the bot can include the match in its response. However, that might make it seem more invasive.

  2. Instead of the separate extraction and classification steps, the extraction could be based on the longest series of pronounceable words in the tweet. This would mean using the default no-op _all_text extractor in the RetweetListener and moving the extraction into the PhraseMatcher class.

  3. It might be nice to include pronounceable user names and hashtags in the match, although splitting those with multiple words in may prove tricky.

Eleanor Rigby - geograph.org.uk - 1457024.jpg

By john driscoll, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link.

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